Thanks for taking the time of giving me a click. Feel free to look around, and if I catch you're interest, well then why not follow? :)

Sunday, October 3, 2010


I decided to put together a few small pictures of my outfits I have taken, to show people who are new at looking at my site a little bit of my style. I really don't know what sort of style I have, and these pics don't help that much (I think these pics show more of my girly clothing).. But to try to describe it.. I have a few girly stuff with the dresses, and flower print stuff, then a punkish look with the rip jeans, black boots, and sometimes black clothing. And then also a couple of colorful clothing and some clothing that I don't know what it would be categorized as, but nobody likes the labels so I like to say my style is just "me" as simple as that(: lol.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Put a smile on :)

Outfit of the day, not a good picture of me.. But oh well. Just a simple outfit. Leggins- Anchor blue. I like them because there kind of thick, well compared to most leggings they are.  Don't remember where I got the shirt and vest thing from since it was awhile ago. But the owl necklace is from Forever 21(my favorite storee). I've gotten quite a few comments on it. A few people have liked it, and most people just made comments on how it's weird or whatever haha. But I loveeee it. I fell in love with it once I saw it at the store =].

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Found some pics that show some of my bracelets. The 2nd pic (down below) is the most recent pic. But anyways the bracelets I wear the most would be that watch, which is the first thing on my arm down below in the 2nd picture. I wear it because it's special to me, and it was my grandmas. Also been wearing those blue and yellow beaded bracelets because of school spirit colors, ill sometimes wear a regular colorful beaded bracelet that I made, my red peace sign bracelet. And last but not least, about 3-4 hair things around my wrist. As weird as this may sound, I just feel a little odd/weird without all the crap I wear on my arm haha. :) I guess I'm use to wearing them. What bracelets do you usually wear? let me know!

Monday, September 27, 2010


1. Instead of having the typical pics of my outfits, I thought I would have a face shot. I guess ill be posting pics of some of my face, outfits, some models and different cute clothes and stuff! But any whoo. Sick :[ Thank God i don't have a flu, just have a regular cold. But that explains why I haven't posted in awhile. I feel better though, so thats good :] going to school tomorrow.

2. I'm reallyy reallyy hoping to get more followers on this site. I have many different posts and things I know I could blog about. And actually I would love to be able to have a little store thing on here, where ill be selling some different clothes and stuff. But of course I need more followers for that. Since I pretty much just made this site not that long ago.. I have to learn to be patientt, and just hope to get more followers(:

3. Once I do get a lot more followers ill think about having the little store thing on here where ill be selling some stuff, andd maybe ill make a youtube account of videos on how to do different hairstyles, make-up videos, ect. So if you just so happen to be reading this (which i doubt many are haha) please tell you're friends about my site! :) would definitely appreciate it.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Update; It's been like 2 weeks since the last time I posted in here. I've decided if I'm gonna do this blog, then I need to upload a lot more than that. So I'm gonna be trying to upload a few times a week. It's just I've been a little busy with starting school. It's sophomore year, a fresh new start, and want to try and do good this year. Feel like I need to take it seriously.

But anyy whoo. New outfit. If you saw the dress in person, then you would see its silky and kind of fancy. Din't want to be to dress up, so decided to wear it with some simple flats. that I love and that just so happened to match :)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Favorite color Red.

 What's you're favorite color to wear?

Lately I've been finding myself wearing more red. I think it's my favorite color now. I just like the way it looks and the way it stands out to me. Definitely gonna be buying more red :)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

bring back child memories.

I love how tights can give you the perfect touch to an outfit. But what I love even more is how long they can last. I decided to pull out the tights to try on with some different outfits. All the tights I have are from when I was young, so it's pretty funny. What do you think about tights? let me know!

ohh it's love

Moccasins. moccasins. moccasins. I don't fully understand what it is about them.. maybe it's the look, maybe it's how there comfortable. Point is I love them. I simply have one pair. and of course I will be buying more. Trouble is is that I actually been having a hard time trying to find some, maybe I just need to look harder. The pair I have I had gotten them from target awhile back ago. The baby's are already getting worn out, but I have faith that it will be a lot longer before I have to toss them out. Do you like moccasins? Do you find them comfortable? let me know!