1. Instead of having the typical pics of my outfits, I thought I would have a face shot. I guess ill be posting pics of some of my face, outfits, some models and different cute clothes and stuff! But any whoo. Sick :[ Thank God i don't have a flu, just have a regular cold. But that explains why I haven't posted in awhile. I feel better though, so thats good :] going to school tomorrow.
2. I'm reallyy reallyy hoping to get more followers on this site. I have many different posts and things I know I could blog about. And actually I would love to be able to have a little store thing on here, where ill be selling some different clothes and stuff. But of course I need more followers for that. Since I pretty much just made this site not that long ago.. I have to learn to be patientt, and just hope to get more followers(:
3. Once I do get a lot more followers ill think about having the little store thing on here where ill be selling some stuff, andd maybe ill make a youtube account of videos on how to do different hairstyles, make-up videos, ect. So if you just so happen to be reading this (which i doubt many are haha) please tell you're friends about my site! :) would definitely appreciate it.