Thanks for taking the time of giving me a click. Feel free to look around, and if I catch you're interest, well then why not follow? :)

Monday, April 4, 2011


I know I haven't posted in awhile again, that's why I'm making a few posts to hopefully make up for it? I know I'm gonna be posting more, but I don't know how much. Maybe two times a week? Maybe more? Not sure yet. I will admit though that I stopped posting for awhile mainly because I felt like there was no point to it. Like no one was even viewing my blog, which had me wrong because I saw a few comments on the things I've post :) So thank you. Thank you for the comments, and even if you are a follower then thank you. I do appreciate it and love to see stuff from people. Also sometimes people just don't really feel inspired or motivated. That's sort of changed with me though so that's good.. hopefully it will stay this way for awhile, or maybe forever. :)

And enough with the flippen rambling, jeezuss haha. Here's some pictures of me and my friend. These were from like 3 months ago though, but oh well. The dress was from V Generation :)



I think I may just start a ring collection, because of how much I love rings. In the picture though, these are the rings I usually wear every day. I've gotten many compliments on the bird one and got asked where I got that one.  I got it at Forever 21. I'm hoping to find a snake one though, and maybe a cross one. :)

high waist shorts and boots.

its my obsession.


Friday, January 21, 2011

Fashion showwww. 1/21/2011

This wasn't at my school, but a school by where I live. So excited for next year when I'm a junior, and me and my friends can finally do this fashion stuff :) And the pictures weren't that good, I know. They are actually pretty bad. I forgot to bring my camera, and none of my friends had brought one. So these were taken on my cellphone. :/

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I'm thinking red.

So randomly came up with this outfit :) The red thing was actually a shirt, but I ripped it in half before and decided to have it be a little jacket thingy, and found the red flower to match it. With of course the boots, that I'm obsessed with.. Gotta learn to wear other shoes though haha. Oh and please excuse the kind of messy room in the back, I usually forget to clean it before taking pics.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A jumpsuit that I got from Tillys, even though it is a little too big. I like it though, mainly only because its comfyy. But been realizing that I wear that necklace to much in pictures.. Guess I'm kind of in love with it.

dress upp.

weird the white thing looks like a headband, amirite? But really it was ribbon I had put in my hair. But don't really like it, feel like it makes me look like a little girl lol. But
skirt- tillys
jacket- dont remember lol

Monday, January 17, 2011


Found the jacket in my mom's closet. It's a black kind of pants material jacket, with egyptian pictures, writing all on it. With brown tank top from American Eagle. Along with high button shorts, and black heal boots.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

old dayyss.

                                                                          Lesley Hornby aka Twiggy;

 "I used to be a thing; I'm a person now."

Audrey Hepburn;

"For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone."

"Your heart just breaks, that's all. But you can't judge, or point fingers. You just have to be lucky enough to find someone who appreciates you."


I know. I know. Lightning is shit, and can't see so well in this picture. I have the worst lightning in my room, and my pics are probably getting boring since most of them are in my room. I'm gonna be taking a lotttt more pics but outside, and hopefully by this weekend :).

Anyways though dress, and leather jacket were from Wet Seal. Usually don't shop there to much, but they have such wonderful sales there every time. And I do love that leather jacket, and dress.

And here's the only other picture i was able to find of me in that dress. lol. I feel like it looks as if I'm trying to be 'sexy' or something in this pic... i don't know. maybe it's just the way it looks, but I wasn't. haha.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I believe this picture shows the punkish look, i guess you can say of me haha. I don't know. but I absolutely love, in love, with those boots. I wear them just a little too much :). And yes in the background, that is my cat/dog. bahaha. hes veryy fat.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Nice Running shoes, Am I right? Haha, jk. About time I got some new shoes. Ones I got are some black vans. And here's some pics down below of me wearing them..  even though you can't see them that well haha.

 << old babys.    VVV newww babys.

Who are you?

Yeah I know, super long time since I made a post. Pretty much had my camera at my bfs house for the longest time, and getting it back from him is like fighting a bear. With that being said, it was hard to get it back lol. And then ill admit once I got in back, I just wasn't posting much. I guess I wasn't so inspired, but that kind of changed which is awesome. And also it's nice because may be going to a different school, so can make up stuff.. But mainly get ahead. And could also get out earlier. That probably wont happen for a couple weeks though. Kind of sucks that I wont be at the same highschool this year, but next year I will be. But looking at it in positive ways. That's what everyone should do when things come your way. Anyways, enough with the ramble. Here's some pics.

Yes obviously not the best pictures, lightning is weird.. What I had done when I was bored lol. But ill be taking soo many more different outfits and such with my camera.

But with what I'm wearing:
Leather jacket- Wetseal
Gray flower top- Charolutte Russe
Red skirt- Forever 21